Uncategorized · March 13, 2020

ROTA S1E18 – The Thrice-Crowned Queen (Part 1/2)

What is behind the Red Doors? At the top of the hill. Along the Wildwood Byway. Just after Winter’s Crest? Jen Black-Moir (Sumina “Sumi” Graclyne), Amanda Hicks (Delilah Lordes), Corey Hicks (Shell), Patrick McGean (Tarkhan Twinsteel), Meric Moir (DM). https://www.patreon.com/skyhammerpress
Arcana of the Ancients preview: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/271672/Arcana-of-the-Ancients-Creatures-and-Cyphers-FREE-PREVIEW
Jasmine Rosa: coffeexedge@gmail.com
Trilemma Adventures: http://trilemma.com/