Uncategorized · September 11, 2020

ROTA S1E44 – Family Matters (Part 1/2)

Family dinners, am I right? The Titan Slayers get to meet Lord Gabriel Rymmer’s closest friends over a delightful repast. Also potentially a birthday? Jen Black-Moir (Sumina “Sumi” Graclyne), Amanda Hicks (Delilah Lordes), Corey Hicks (Shell), Patrick McGean (Tarkhan Twinsteel), Meric Moir (DM).


Arcana of the Ancients preview: https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/arcana-of-the-ancients/

Selected background music by Michael Ghelfi (YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelGhelfi Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi) used with permission.

Jasmine Rosa: coffeexedge@gmail.com