Uncategorized · December 26, 2020

S3B15 – Mew-Tants!: Boxing Day

Bonus episode! We’re cats. Super-powered cats. But there’s a big problem: it’s Boxing Day, and the boxes are missing. Players: Alex Moddle, David Hughes, Danielle V, Ross Rideout, Manuel Zuniga, Jen Black-Moir. DM: Meric Moir.

Sky Hammer Press https://www.patreon.com/skyhammerpress

Anima Press https://www.anima.press

This episode sponsored by Roll20! Check out the wonderful virtual tabletop at Roll20.net.

Background music in the public domain by Anndy Negative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAXp2w5dljk

Intro music by Hayden Lister https://www.reverbnation.com/haydenlister