Uncategorized · November 5, 2021

STASS E1: Ghost Ship

ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re doing a Wheel of Time aftershow and actual play on Twitch starting November 19th at 8PM Mountain! Live chat discussion, gaming, and Cortex Prime giveaways every episode! Make sure to subscribe to twitch.tv/MassiveDamageAdventures.

The USS Artemis is tasked with investigating a derelict ship in the Shackleton Expanse. No distress calls have been sent, and no life signs appear to be onboard, but the power is still on. Players: Alex Moddle as Meezra Bars, Grace Struth as Iris, Cierra Wilson as Ag’ahla Nobogh, Earl Woods as Barnaby Throughput, Jen Moir as Joyeh Nonat. GM: Meric Moir

Subscribe to https://www.twitch.tv/massivedamageadventures

Sky Hammer Press https://linktr.ee/skyhammerpress

This episode sponsored by Roll20! Check out the wonderful virtual tabletop at Roll20.net.

This episode supported by Modiphius Entertainment modiphius.net

This episode supported by Monte Cook Games montecookgames.com

Feature map by Heroic Maps patreon.com/heroicmaps

Background sounds by Syrinscape syrinscape.com

Welcome music by Mindbender Supreme https://open.spotify.com/artist/7dWPg4rm1RfeT56fO6Xnd1?si=dMB0BA6XRxSlAsIFXann8A

Intro music by Hayden Lister https://www.reverbnation.com/haydenlister