Uncategorized · October 1, 2022

S5E13 – Leverage: The Silverpine Job (Part 1/2)

Get ready to get even. Bring your hitters, hackers, grifters, thieves, and masterminds to this party at Silverpine Heights, formerly the Mott Lodge, which has been taken from the family who ran it and turned into a private ski lodge for corporate one percenters. Can the crew get the lodge back to the family? The heist is on. Players: Jen Moir, Miles Thomsen, Corey Hick, Patrick McGean. GM Meric Moir.

Sky Hammer Press skyhammerpress.com

Livestreams twitch.tv/MassiveDamageAdventures

Archived livestreams Sky Hammer Press on YouTube

We’re Roll20 Ambassadors! Check out the wonderful virtual tabletop at Roll20.net.

Selected background music by Syrinscape. https://syrinscape.com/

Intro music by Hayden Lister https://www.reverbnation.com/haydenlister