Uncategorized · December 2, 2020

S3B14 – Monte Cook Games: Interview with Sean K. Reynolds

Bonus episode! Meric gets to interview Sean K. Reynolds (@Seankreynolds) about three products, Godforsaken, Ptolus, and Claim the Sky as well as work, writing, and the industry in general. Be sure to check out the Heroes of the Cypher System Kickstarter running right now!


Heroes of the Cypher System https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/heroes-of-the-cypher-system

Godforsaken https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/godforsaken/

Ptolus https://www.montecookgames.com/welcome-to-ptolus/

Intro music by Hayden Lister https://www.reverbnation.com/haydenlister