Uncategorized · August 15, 2022

S5E11 – The Strange: The Checkmate Plan (Part 2/3)

The game is afoot! Our Estate Agents have travelled through Sesame Street and into Camelot Le Morte. There, they find a cold and mechanical welcome. One that is none to friendly! Published by Monte Cook Games, The Strange is a Cypher System roleplaying game featuring alternate worlds to explore, defend, and create. Players: Jen Moir, Nicole Ogle, Sharayah Kruitbosch, Justin McDonald, Roya Grinsted, Matt Struth. GM Meric Moir.

Sky Hammer Press skyhammerpress.com

Livestreams twitch.tv/MassiveDamageAdventures

Archived livestreams Sky Hammer Press on YouTube

This episode sponsored by Roll20! Check out the wonderful virtual tabletop at Roll20.net.

Selected background music by Syrinscape. https://syrinscape.com/

Intro music by Hayden Lister https://www.reverbnation.com/haydenlister